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Understanding Dyslexia: Arizona Dyslexia Designees V.2
About This Course
Course Design
Module 1: What is dyslexia?
1.1 Dyslexia: One Type of Disability (2:27)
1.2 Learning Disabilities
1.3 Dyslexia Overview (8:03)
1.4 Dyslexia Prevalence and Misconceptions
1.5 Dyslexia Legislation
1.6 Dyslexia and Phonological Processing, Rapid Automatic Naming (2:24)
1.7 Signs of Dyslexia
1.8 Reflection Activity
1.9 Quiz
Module 2: The Reading Brain
2.1 Reading does not come naturally
2.2 How the brain learns to read, regions of the brain (4:30)
2.3 Brain Imaging and Instruction
2.4 Quiz
Module 3: Dyslexia and the Five Components of Reading
3.1 The Five Components (15:05)
3.2 The Simple View of Reading (2:47)
3.3 Subtypes of Struggling Readers
3.4 Emotional and Motivational Consequences (3:11)
3.5 A Chain Effect
3.6 Modifications, Accommodations, Adaptive Technology
3.7 Quiz
Module 4: Screening for Dyslexia
4.1 Why Screen Early?
4.2 Screening vs. Comprehensive Evaluation
4.3 Suggested Screening Battery
4.4 Quiz
Module 5: Effective Instruction for Students with Dyslexia
5.1 Early Intervention (4:08)
5.2 Instructional Intensity
5.3 Structured Literacy Instruction (8:29)
5.4 More About Structured Literacy Instruction
5.5 Teaching Principles
5.6 Quiz
Module 6: Structured Literacy Instruction - Sounds
6.1 Phonology
6.2 Phonological and Phonemic Awareness
6.3 Phonemic Awareness Leads to Phonics
6.4 Phonemic Awareness Tasks
6.5 Phonemic Awareness Routines
6.6 Instructional Activities (5:49)
6.7 More Phonemic Awareness Activities
6.8 Advanced Phoneme Manipulation (3:49)
6.9 Reflection Activity
6.10 Quiz
Module 7: Structured Literacy Instruction - Sound/Symbol Correspondence
7.1 Alphabetic Principle
7.2 Explicit Phonics Instruction
7.3 Teaching Letter-Sound Correspondences (2:12)
7.4 Phonics Scope and Sequence
7.5 Decodable Text for Practice
7.6 ​Blending and Segmenting to Read and Spell
7.7 Blending and Segmenting Activities (2:02)
7.8 Segmenting and Spelling
7.9 More About Spelling
7.10 Reflection Activity
7.11 Quiz
Module 8: Structured Literacy Instruction - Syllables
8.1 Syllables
8.2 Teaching Syllable Types
8.3 Syllable Division Rules and Routines
8.4 Practice to Develop Fluency
8.5 Reflection Activity
8.6 Quiz
Module 9: Structured Literacy Instruction - Morphology
9.1 What is Morphology?
9.2 Teaching Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes
9.3 Syllabication and Structural Analysis
9.4 Reflection Activity
9.5 Quiz
Course Wrap Up
Course Reflection Activity
Additional Resources and References
Certificate of Completion
8.6 Quiz
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